

Gyda un droed yng nghornel ddiwydiannol De Cymru a’r llall yn ardaloedd gwledig y gogledd-orllewin rydw i mewn sefyllfa ddelfrydol i ddarparu gwasanaeth dehongli ar eich cyfer.

Dehongli yw’r gwaith o ddatgelu amgyffred newydd o’r hyn sy’n gwneud man, neu gasgliad o arteffactau, yn arbennig – ymdeimlad o le.

With one foot in industrial south Wales and the other in the rural north-west I am in an ideal position to provide you with an interpretation service.

Interpretation is the work of revealing a new insight into what makes a place, or collection of artefacts, special – a sense of place.


Gwelir pwyslais cynyddol ar sicrhau cyfranogiad y cyhoedd mewn penderfyniadau sydd yn effeithio arnynt. Os daw angen am wasanaeth hwyluso annibynol i’ch helpu i weithio drwy broses gyfranogol, gallaf eich helpu.

The modern agenda is increasingly expecting the public to be able to engage with decisions which affect them. If you are in need of an independent facilitation service to help you to work through a process, I could help you.

Creigfryn + Pentir + Bangor + Gwynedd + LL57 4EA
01248 351378 + 07890 613933